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The City of Science

The City of Science or in French : La Cité des Sciences is located at north of Paris. La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie is a science museum located in Paris that offers interactive exhibits, workshops, talks and more. Since its opening in 1986, La Cité des Sciences has become one of the most popular museums in the city, attracting visitors of all ages and backgrounds. La Cité is located in the heart of the multicultural park of La Villette in Paris. In this article, we will discover the history of the Cité des sciences, and the exhibitions it offers us.


Designed after a challenge by Adrien Fainsilber, with the aim of helping as many people as possible discover and share what science is. The challenge was architectural. Indeed, it was necessary to convert the former slaughterhouse of La Villette into a center of Modern Sciences containing science and technology, industries and societies.

Inaugurated on March 13, 1986, the architectural structure plays on contrasts with a concrete part and a sparkling part and a transparent part. The monument plays with structures, materials, shapes, volumes, and lights. It is really impressive with its 250m long, 150m wide, and 50m high.

Permanent exhibitions

The City of Science is home to several permanent exhibits that are meant to educate and entertain visitors. Among the most popular exhibitions are « Explora », which invites visitors to explore science and technology in all their forms, and « La Villette Numérique », which explores the latest advances in virtual and augmented reality.

Temporary exhibitions

In addition to the permanent exhibitions, La Cité des Sciences regularly offers temporary exhibitions on various subjects. These exhibits are often interactive and encourage visitors to participate and interact with the exhibits. These innovative exhibitions arouse our curiosity.

The City of Science and Industry is a must-see place for science and technology enthusiasts. With its permanent and temporary exhibitions, activities for children and conferences, there is something for all tastes and all ages. Do not hesitate to spend a day there to discover the wonders of science and technology.


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