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Août 26
Les Journées du Patrimoine

Ouvertures exceptionnelles, coulisses, lieux méconnus… 10 idées de visites insolites et gratuites pour explorer Paris autrement.

Août 22
The ultimate guide to finding accommodation in Paris

Finding accommodation in Paris, what can I say? Well, an analogy is always a good place to start… For me, I guess finding accommodation in Paris is kinda like filling in job applications: a lengthy, sometimes stressful and somewhat tedious process, but the result is SO worth the effort you put in!

Août 22
La Nuit Blanche a Parigi

L’arrivo di Ottobre e dell’autunno per me è sempre stato e rimarrà sinonimo di Notte bianca, perché la prima edizione fu nel 2002, anno del mio arrivo a Parigi, e perché fu lei ad accogliermi tre giorni dopo il mio sbarco in questa città.

Août 22
19 Best Bars In Paris For Travellers & Students

Paris is the City of Light and Love, a magical place everybody should visit once in their lives. But what if you can’t afford Michelin-starred dining and swanky champagne bars along the Champs-Élysées?

Août 22
Being an international student in France: What you need to know

From how to make local friends to working out the grading system, British student Jessie Williams, who has just spent a year at university in France spells out what international students should expect: both the good and the bad.

Août 22
Die besten Amsterdam Tipps für deinen perfekten Kurztrip

 Hier findest du meine liebsten Cafés und Restaurants, Sehenswürdigkeiten, die sich wirklich lohnen sowie ganz besondere Unterkünfte für deinen perfekten Kurztrip. 
