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Sep 10

Voici la liste de 10 choses que j’ai dû expliquer à des étrangers concernant boire et manger « à la française » depuis le début de ma vie d’expat, quand je suis devenue, un peu malgré moi, ambassadrice de la culture française. Je suis certaine que vous vous reconnaitrez dans cette situation !

Sep 09
5 Best libraries to study in Paris

There are more than 16 universities in Paris! Now, you can imagine how it can be difficult to find a comfortable seat in the BU (Bibliothèque Universitaire). As a crowed city, we don’t recommend noisy café to study your exam. Be My Nounou Team has selected the most beautiful libraries in the city of love.

Sep 09

Public transportation is easy to use in Paris. The Paris local transport system (RATP) provides travel by metro, bus and tram. RER (suburban trains) circulate within the 5 zones of Ile-de-France. Public transportation normally operates between 5 30 am to 1 am every day, except on Fridays and Saturdays when the Metro stays open one hour later. The RER tends to terminate their service earlier than the Metro.

Sep 09
Ils racontent Erasmus, leur « formidable » année d’études à l’étranger

Chaque année, des milliers d'étudiants participent au programme Erasmus. Voyages, rencontres, découverte d'autres cultures, apprentissage de la langue, chacun y trouve son compte. Pour Orientations, quatre d'entre eux racontent leur expérience loin de France.

Sep 09
Erasmus tips: How to survive at a French university

As the Erasmus scheme marks its 30th birthday, many students are preparing for a semester at a French university. Here's the inside word on the things you need to know before studying in France.

Sep 09

Social Security provides foreign students with social coverage while studying in France. To increase the amount of their healthcare expenses that is reimbursed, they may take out complementary health insurance, or mutuelle.
